Новини и истории в света на имотите

In our blog we share information for anyone interested in innovation in tourism and real estate. From market analysis to boutique hotel rankings - here you will find interesting articles, useful tips and exciting stories!
21 boutique hotel trends for 2021

As 2021 approaches, we present to you 21 trends in boutique hotels. Some of them started years ago, while others became popular in the last few months. We're certainly entering a pretty dynamic decade already. Technologies are beginning to be adapted massively in the field of tourism, and guests have increasingly different needs. In the first part […]

Как се промени пазарът на краткосрочните наеми през 2020

Нестандартната 2020 година свърши и дойде времето за изводи. Хвърляме поглед назад към това, как пандемията от Covid-19 промени пазара на краткосрочните наеми в България. В началото на 2020 г. предлагането на апартаменти в платформите за краткосрочно настаняване бе достигнало своя пик. По данни на анализатора на краткосрочни наеми AirDNA, за последното тримесечие на 2019 […]

How to turn your apartment into a magnet for "business travelers"?

Business travel is one of the main sectors that has experienced growth in recent years, and for hosts, business tourists are preferred guests. See why this is so in the article that we at Flat Manager have prepared. People who travel for work usually keep for longer periods, have a larger budget and usually do not damage the property. […]

Ще се възстанови ли бизнес туризмът след пандемията?

С течение на времето всички сектори в бизнеса бяха негативно засегнати от пандемията, било то заради различни регулации или заради самата промяна в поведението на потребителя. И все пак един от най-потърпевшите и най-пряко засегнатите си остава туризмът във всичките му форми. В тази статия ще говорим за това как се измени бизнес туризмът и […]

10 reasons to entrust your property to Flat Manager

Each client has different priorities and each property has its own characteristics. There is no one-size-fits-all management model that works for everyone. At Flat Manager, we approach each property individually with the mission of turning our clients into successful and carefree renters! Here are 10 reasons to entrust your property to Flat Manager: 1. Professional photography of the property [...]

New Airbnb fee structure

Airbnb is making a long-awaited change in the structure of the service fee - from December 7, all profiles of professional hosts will switch to "Host only fee". What exactly is changing? Until now, neither the host nor the guest could accurately calculate what the final price of the stay would be before the platform fees were applied. Therefore […]

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