Новини и истории в света на имотите

In our blog we share information for anyone interested in innovation in tourism and real estate. From market analysis to boutique hotel rankings - here you will find interesting articles, useful tips and exciting stories!
3 iconic interior designers

In this article, we will introduce you to three boutique hotel interior designers who are iconic in their own way. They are of different ages and accordingly created in different periods. We will introduce you to their biography, key projects from their portfolio and share quotes of each of them. David Rockwell Born in 1956 […]

How to make your villa attract guests all year round?

По време на Римската империя богатите римляни често са разполагали с втора къща извън града. Тези големи, елегантни домове се наричали вили и несъмнено в днешно време биха се считали за същински имения. Римските вили били два вида: В днешно време границите на понятието “вила” доста се размиват и подобен тип имоти не се притежават […]

5 special boutique hotels in Bulgaria

The term "boutique hotel" originated about 40 years ago in San Francisco, America. Bill Kimpton, who founded his chain - Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group, is considered an innovator in this field. The group gradually grew to include 34 hotels and 29 restaurants. In late 2014, the chain was acquired by InterContinental Hotels Group for […]

Record demand for single-family houses at the foot of Vitosha

One of the most visible trends in the real estate market since the beginning of the pandemic continues to accelerate. In 2021, we report record interest in single-family houses in the southern districts of the capital above the surrounding area - Boyana, Dragalevtsi, Simeonovo and v.z. Malinova Dolina. At the same time, the supply of this type of property is at its lowest levels for years and in [...]

Как да таргетираме пътуващите по работа?

За много бизнеси в сферата на туризма, корпоративните пътуванията играят съществена роля. Говорили сме за това и в нашата статия “Ще се възстанови ли бизнес туризмът след пандемията?”, където даваме по-подробна информация за това каква част от туризма всъщност е за бизнес и колко е важен този сегмент за успеха на туристическия сектор. И въпреки […]

Domestic tourism - the trend continues in 2021.

Our data shows that in the last 12 months, of the reservations received in the apartments managed by Flat Manager, 45% of our guests were Bulgarians. Excursions abroad these days are accompanied by uncertainty and a series of additional requirements - factors that often discourage travelers from their overseas vacation plans. This makes domestic tourism [...]

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