These GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS govern the relationship between "FLAT MANAGER" Ltd., hereinafter referred to as "FLAT MANAGER", on the one hand, and the Users of websites and services located on the domain (hereinafter referred to as Users), on the other hand.
"FLAT MANAGER" Ltd. is a company registered under the Commercial Law of the Republic of Bulgaria with EIK 202684022, with headquarters and management address: Sofia 1784, Mladost district, Mihail Tenev Blvd No 12, bl. BC EUROTUR, floor 1, office 2, email address: phone: +359875333000
"FLAT MANAGER" Ltd. is registered as a personal data administrator and holds Personal Data Administrator Certificate No. 427309
Please read the published General Terms and Conditions in full before using the services offered by the website.
With the visualization of each User automatically undertakes to comply with the conditions described below and accepts these General Terms and Conditions.
“USER” is any natural person who uses any of the services on the FLAT MANAGER website.
“SERVICE(S)” on the site include:
- access to the information resources and data of the site provided through a web browser;
- The services provided on the FLAT MANAGER website are of an informational nature. These General Terms and Conditions do not regulate the relationship between FLAT MANAGER and the company's clients.
“DIRECT MARKETING” – offering goods and services to Consumers by traditional or e-mail, by telephone or in another direct manner.
Art. 1 (1) "FLAT MANAGER" identifies the Users of the site by storing log files on the server and the User's IP address.
(2) "FLAT MANAGER" has the right to collect and use information about Users after their identification. The information by which the person can be identified may include first name, last name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone, as well as any other information that the person voluntarily provides during identification.
Art. 2 (1) "FLAT MANAGER" takes due care and is responsible for protecting the information about the User, which became known to him on the occasion of the identification, except in cases of force majeure, accidental event or malicious actions of third parties.
(2). In the identification form filled in by the User, "FLAT MANAGER" indicates the mandatory or voluntary nature of providing the data and the consequences of refusing to provide them. By expressing agreement with these General Terms and Conditions and the "FLAT MANAGER" Personal Data Protection Policy, the User agrees that his/her information will be processed in the manner provided for therein.
(3) The restrictions under Art. 1 do not apply in the event that "FLAT MANAGER" is obliged to provide the personal information about the User to the relevant competent state authorities according to the current legislation.
Art. 3 (1) "FLAT MANAGER" collects and uses the information under Art. 1 for the purposes provided for in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as for offering new goods and/or services to the User (free or paid). The described purposes for which the information is used are not exhaustively listed and do not create obligations for "FLAT MANAGER".
(2) By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of direct marketing.
Art. 4 (1) The user can identify himself by filling in the relevant electronic identification form, available in real time (on-line) on the Internet on the "FLAT MANAGER" website, express his agreement with these General Terms and Conditions and declare that he has legal capacity .
(2) Upon identification, the User shall make an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, by which he declares that he is familiar with these General Terms and Conditions, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. By recording it on a suitable medium in the "FLAT MANAGER" server, through a generally accepted standard for conversion in a technical way, making its reproduction possible, the electronic statement acquires the quality of an electronic document within the meaning of the cited law. "FLAT MANAGER" can store in log files on its server the IP address of the User, as well as any other information necessary for his identification and reproduction of his electronic statement of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in the event of a legal dispute. The text of these General Terms and Conditions is available on the Internet on the "FLAT MANAGER" website in a way that allows its storage and reproduction.
(3) When completing the identification application, the User is obliged to provide complete and correct data regarding identity (for natural persons), legal status (for legal entities) and other data required by the electronic form of "FLAT MANAGER". The user declares that he agrees to provide the personal data so requested, thereby guaranteeing that the data he provides in the identification process is true, complete and accurate and, if the latter changes, he will update them promptly.
Art. 5 (1) Intellectual property rights on all materials and resources located on the "FLAT MANAGER" website (including available databases) are subject to protection under the Copyright Act and related rights, belong to "FLAT MANAGER" or to respectively, the indicated person, who assigned the right of use to "FLAT MANAGER", and cannot be used in violation of the current legislation.
(2) The User's right of access does not include the right to use, copy or reproduce information representing an object of intellectual property, unless it concerns insignificant in volume information intended for personal use, provided that legitimate interests are not unduly damaged of the authors or other holders of intellectual property rights and in case the copying or reproduction is carried out for non-commercial purposes.
(3) In case of copying or reproduction of information beyond what is permitted, according to the previous paragraph, as well as in case of any other violation of intellectual property rights on the resources of "FLAT MANAGER", "FLAT MANAGER" has the right to claim compensation for the suffered direct and indirect damages in full.
(4) The user undertakes, when using the access granted to him to services offered by "FLAT MANAGER": to comply with Bulgarian legislation, these General Terms and Conditions, Internet etiquette, rules of morality and good manners; not to harm the good name of others and not to call for a violent change of the constitutionally established order, to commit a crime, to violence against the person or to incite racial, national, ethnic or religious enmity, not to preach fascist or other anti-democratic ideology, not to violate someone else's property or non-property rights, including intellectual property rights; to immediately notify "FLAT MANAGER" of any case of committed or discovered violation; not to interfere with the proper operation of the system, including, but not limited to, not to thwart the identification procedure of another User, not to access outside of the one provided, not to damage or impede the availability, reliability or quality of the access provided, as well as to does not use it in a way that causes a refusal to use it; not to extract by technical means or in a technical way information resources or parts of information resources belonging to the databases located on the "FLAT MANAGER" website and thus not to create its own database in electronic or other form; not to impersonate another person or otherwise mislead third parties about his identity or his belonging to a certain group of people; not to commit malicious acts within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions.
(5) Except in cases where it is expressly agreed, the User may not reproduce, change, delete, publish, distribute and publicize in any other way the information resources published on the "FLAT MANAGER" website.
Art. 6 (1) "FLAT MANAGER" does its best to maintain true, accurate and up-to-date information on its website, without excluding the possibility of accidental objective discrepancies or omissions. "FLAT MANAGER" is not responsible for the consequences, including any damages arising out of or related in any way to the access, use or inability to use this site. All information on the site is provided in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation, without a guarantee by "FLAT MANAGER" for its inviolability and safety from malicious attacks by third parties.
(2) "FLAT MANAGER" is not responsible for the subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this site.
(3) "FLAT MANAGER" is not responsible for the information (including its completeness and reliability) contained in sites to which this site contains links.
Art. 7 (1) Apart from the cases provided for in these General Terms and Conditions, the contract between the parties is also terminated upon suspension of the activity of "FLAT MANAGER" or termination of maintenance of its website.
(2) The user has the right at any time, at his own discretion, to stop using the information services provided by "FLAT MANAGER" by suspending the visualization of the "FLAT MANAGER" website.
Article 8. (1) The bodies regulating the activity of "FLAT MANAGER" are the Commission for the Protection of the User /CCP/ and the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data (PCPD), with the following coordinates:
For KZP:
- Website:
- phone: 0700 111 22
- e-mail:
- address: city of Sofia, Slaveykov Square, No. 4A, floors 3, 4 and 6
- Website:
- phone: 02/91-53-518
- e-mail:
- address: Sofia 1592, Prof. Blvd. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2
Art. 9 (1) The parties declare that, in the event that any of the clauses under these General Terms and Conditions is/are found to be invalid, this will not invalidate the entire contract or any of its other parts. The invalid clause will be superseded by the mandatory rules of law or established practice.
Art. 10 (1) "FLAT MANAGER" reserves the right to make changes to these General Terms and Conditions at any time by promptly publishing these changes on the site.
Art. 11 (1) The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to all issues not settled by these General Terms and Conditions.