Новини и истории в света на имотите

In our blog we share information for anyone interested in innovation in tourism and real estate. From market analysis to boutique hotel rankings - here you will find interesting articles, useful tips and exciting stories!
What is a "serviced apartment"?

For four years now, with Flat Manager, we have been creating and implementing innovations in the spheres of real estate and tourism in Bulgaria. Some of these innovations are actually products and services that have been successfully offered in Western markets for years. Our task is to "translate" them, adjust them for the needs of Bulgarian users and develop them on [...]

How to Adjust Airbnb Prices During a Pandemic + 3 More Helpful Pricing Tips

In the uncertain and ever-changing situation surrounding the pandemic, Airbnb apartment hosts are faced with the question of how to set nightly rates in such a way as to ensure the highest possible occupancy of apartments. In this article, we show you how you can benefit from an airline-style pricing strategy, how we optimize […]

Наръчник на Airbnb домакина: анулирана резервация и връщане на заплатени суми

През изминалата година във Flat Manager отчетохме 1681 отменени резервации. Както можете да се досетите основната причина беше Covid-19. Най-честият въпрос, който получавахме беше: “Може ли да ми върнете парите?”. В голям процент от случаите гостите бяха в правото си да получат заплатената сума обратно поради отменени полети, затворени граници и други независещи от тях […]

Какви са различните видове Airbnb имоти?

Отминаха дните, когато Airbnb беше просто платформа за отдаване под наем, в която всеки можеше да предлага каквито и да било имоти или стаи. Пазарът за онлайн резервации на места за настаняване вече е изключително успешен. През последните няколко години платформата разшири своите услуги значително, като включи предложенията Airbnb for Work, Airbnb Luxe и Airbnb […]

How to turn your apartment into a magnet for "business travelers"?

Business travel is one of the main sectors that has experienced growth in recent years, and for hosts, business tourists are preferred guests. See why this is so in the article that we at Flat Manager have prepared. People who travel for work usually keep for longer periods, have a larger budget and usually do not damage the property. […]

New Airbnb fee structure

Airbnb is making a long-awaited change in the structure of the service fee - from December 7, all profiles of professional hosts will switch to "Host only fee". What exactly is changing? Until now, neither the host nor the guest could accurately calculate what the final price of the stay would be before the platform fees were applied. Therefore […]

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