Новини и истории в света на имотите

In our blog we share information for anyone interested in innovation in tourism and real estate. From market analysis to boutique hotel rankings - here you will find interesting articles, useful tips and exciting stories!

In Bulgaria, the state of emergency due to COVID-19 was declared on March 13, and so it was almost all over the world. Since then, almost all business travel has been postponed or put on "pause" for an indefinite period of time. It has been 2 months and we are already adjusting to the new rhythm of life. Wearing masks in public, observing [...]

Decor ideas from our Superhosts

One of the most important prerequisites for success in short-term rental of your property, besides the location, is to take care of its design. To stand out from other hosts, make your guests feel at home, have a high rating and more bookings, decor is key! Let […]

Your temporary dream home

How a problem or limitation can become an opportunity. Let's try to look on the bright and positive side of the need to isolate ourselves somewhere at the moment in a temporary home or a temporary office. Many people are forced by circumstances to rent temporary housing to stay in quarantine alone, returning […]

Temporary home from Flat Manager

After we managed to convince the government not to adopt restrictive regulations on our activities, we faced another, far more dangerous challenge - COVID-19. The pandemic is having an unprecedented negative effect on the economy of all countries in the world, and tourism is among the most affected sectors. Our team cannot change the course of these events, but we do everything […]

Is it safe to rent out my property on Airbnb? 10 tips on how to limit risks as much as possible

През последните години туристическите тенденции, повлияни от идеите за споделена икономика, се засилват с бързи темпове и Airbnb имотите и краткосрочното отдаване под наем като алтернатива на хотелите не подминават и България. Крие ли обаче рискове краткосрочното отдаване на апартамент под наем в Airbnb и как да се предпазим от тях? Все повече собственици предпочитат […]

When love knocks on your Airbnb door.

Today we're sharing the story of Shannon and Josh, who met on Airbnb and are now a family! Important note: we cannot guarantee that this will happen to you! In these matters, turn to fate, but for everything else - we are waiting for you! 🙂 Very rarely does love appear on […]

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